Monday, April 23, 2007


Two years ago today at 12:13 p.m. my sweet baby Loaf arrived in this world. Weighing in at 6 pounds, 8 ounces, she was a screaming, red-faced bundle with my face but her father’s temperament.


Stubborn but smart. Snuggly but independent. Sweet but tough.

Holding her against me in the hospital, I was amazed by her tiny hands, rosebud lips and teeny head covered with the finest peach fuzz hair.

I was instantly smitten.


The last two years have been remarkable—watching Loaf develop into an incredible little person with a mega-watt smile, boundless energy, never-ending curiosity, and a giggle that resonates from her toes.

Things haven’t always gone smoothly. Loaf is a tough customer. She can be highly demanding of attention, fiercely independent, incredibly focused, and to this day sleeps through the night only about 25 percent of the time.

But highly demanding of attention also translates into “the most lovable, snuggly, cuddly two-year-old on the planet.” Several times a day she’ll toddle over to me, sit quietly in my lap and lay her head on my shoulder. Once she’s had her fix, she’ll resume playing on her own.

Fiercely independent can translate into “highly advanced motor skills that make trips to the park a lot less stressful.” For the most part, she keeps up with her big sister—climbing ladders, going down the big slide and jumping off the wall that surrounds the sandbox.

Incredibly focused can translate into “able to keep herself occupied with a cardboard box and wooden spoon for half an hour so mom can make dinner.” She’ll often sit quietly, concentrating hard on how to do something and more times than not she figures it out.

(That not sleeping through the night thing? Yeah, well, I can’t really think of an upside to that, but I love her madly nonetheless.)

While all of these traits drive me crazy right now, they’re going to someday make her a highly productive, successful adult. God help the minions who someday have to work under her when she’s running the show.

The last two years have flown by in a flash that terrifies me. I just know that one day soon I’m going to wake up and she’s going to be a 16-year-old independent, highly demanding teenager. I hope and pray that she’ll still seek me out for a cuddle now and then, but I’m not holding my breath, which is the main reason why I never deny her one now.

These years are so difficult, but so fleeting, and I already find myself mourning over their end.

But for right now Loaf, you’re still my sweet, baby girl and I’m both excited and proud of the person you’re becoming. I can’t wait to watch you grow and experience all life’s wonder with you! Happy birthday, baby!

Here are a few teaser shots from Saturday's party. These are from my mother-in-law, who lives in the year 2007 and thus owns a digital camera. I'll post some of my shots in 2 weeks when Kodak Gallery finally gets around to developing the (UGH)film!





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Anonymous Anonymous said...

She's looking more like her dad these days. Both girls are a wonderful blend of you two. Happy Birthday lovely Loaf.

9:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm. I certainly HOPE she doesn't have her Father's temperment.....
Just kidding- we like each other now...I love the way you write. You should send some of these in to a magazine. Thanks for hosting my shower sister!!! Justine (sister-in-law)

6:18 PM  

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